Scheduling Procedures
Your doctor’s office will coordinate a date and time for your surgery with you, and contact Surgery Center to schedule your procedure. Once you’re on our schedule, you will receive a call from our preadmit nurse to get your medical history.
We encourage you to come in to preadmit before the day of surgery, so that we can get the necessary information we need from you, as well as to familiarize yourself with our location. No appointment is needed to preadmit. Please bring your photo ID, insurance card(s), and any paperwork from your doctor’s office. If you’re not able to come in before the day of your procedure, our scheduler will contact you for your identifying information, and go over patient instructions. Your arrival time on the day of surgery will be given to you the day before your scheduled procedure, due to possible changes in your doctor’s schedule.

Day of Surgery
Please bring a photo ID and insurance card with you on the day of surgery if you were not able to preadmit at Surgery Center, beforehand, and follow patient instructions. (Patient Instructions can be found under “Documents and Forms”). If the patient is a child, bring an extra set of clothes, diapers or underwear, a bottle or sippy cup.
Following Surgery
Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative instructions regarding diet, rest and medication. Patients are discharged from Surgery Center under the care and supervision of a responsible adult over the age of 18, who can drive the patient home. Patients will not be able to go home in a taxi unaccompanied. In the event of any difficulties or complications, call your surgeon immediately, or call 911 if there is an emergency.
Surgery Center’s commitment to individual patient care is unsurpassed, and will always be its driving force.
Surgery Center
1101 S College Rd, Suite 100
Lafayette, LA 70503-3071